Each of our solutions uses a series of products developed by our team.
Below is a list that will allow you to build THE SOLUTION that meets YOUR NEEDS!

ubiTT is a portal where you can find all the information about your fleet. The origin of the data can be multiple.... depending on whether you are using ubiSMART (mobile application), ubiFLEET (telematics devices) or whether we are collecting data from third parties. Several packages are available depending on your budget and needs. The platform comes with the purchase of a ubiSMART or ubiFLEET product.

ubiSMART is the solution to track your logistics activity through a mobile application... Not only your drivers, but also all the assets of your fleet that can be linked to the mobile application. Checklists to track the status of vehicles, but also the delivery schedule and anomalies, photos to illustrate problems, a chat system to improve communication, collect a signature to establish a proof of delivery document.... so many flexible tools that can be linked to the delivery schedule module which is the core functionality of ubiSMART.

ubiSMART-XDOCKS will allow you to manage the arrivals and departures of your goods, to report the missing goods, the anomalies and to communicate with your TMS to quickly deploy the delivery schedules in ubiSMART-PLANNING

ubiDOCS is the solution to create your own digital transport documents or those recognized by the authorities (e-CMR / e-waste identification). No more papers in the driver's cab... through an application, they will have on them all the necessary transport documents to validate the activities, collect signatures, record modifications and anomalies during transport, and the forms validated by the authorities to show to the inspectors during a field inspection!

ubiCHAT is a specific chat for dispatchers to communicate with their drivers and this information can be found and generated in ubiTT web

A list of things to check on your equipment before the departure of the drivers, or on the way in case of accident for example... ? Illustrate the problems with one or more pictures? ubiCHECK allows you to create your own checklists and offers an action tracking page on ubiTT for maintenance operators or the garage or any other entity that has to solve problems observed in the field. The ubiTT counterpart of the mobile application allows you to prepare the repair work before the equipment is returned to the garage for a quick and optimal handling...

Telematics is the technology used to monitor a wide range of information about an individual vehicle or an entire fleet. Telematics systems collect data such as: vehicle location, driver behavior, engine diagnostics, vehicle activity. Depending on the installed sensors, the systems can collect additional information such as temperatures, fuel levels, door openings... ubidata offers 3 types of boxes: - a box connected to a power source that can continuously provide the information you need. - a standalone unit powered by a battery - relay devices (beacons) that communicate with powered or non-powered devices as soon as they get close to them.

autonomous box, lifespan of up to 5 years

temperature sensors that can cover up to 5 zones

all CANbus & FMS data

level sensors to detect fuel variations in tanks

your connected company card for automated uploading of your drivers' data

i button
driver login via ibutton

Digital Input (DI)
reading of any signals that vary from 0 to VCC (12 or 24 volts)

Digital Output (DO)
relay which is controlled by the Telematics device. which activates a signal

circuit breaker
a circuit breaker to prevent the start-up of a machine remotely

Cargo Lock
system for closing containers remotely